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230925 PSPO

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(4 photos & videos)

Mon 25/09




Tue 26/09



- Time box = maximum time we spend before we evaluate if we need more time
- After 15min of daily, we check what is the situation. Do we need more time? Do we need to plan a meeting? Are finished actually?
- Scrum doesn't bring solutions
- It is a tool to bubble up problems
- Then we need to find solutions
- Scrum is a product management tool (i.e. not a project management tool)
- Move from project mindset to product mindset
- Same project triangle but considered from a different perspective
- Driven by outcome (instead of output)

- Product= vehicule to deliver value. It has a clear limit. It has stakeholders, users & clients
- E.g. A team with 12 products to maintain can be seen as a team which product is maintenance? 🤔🧐
- E.g. If we have 2 groups of distinct customers, we maybe have 2 products?
- Favor value creation over revenue extraction
- As long as the product is on my shelve, it is inventory => release the product to materialize its value
- Key metrics can be at various levels
- 4 levels
- Functional
- Life changing
- Emotional
- Functional
- Higher level is harder to get but generates more loyalty

- 4 dimensions
- Current value
- Unrealized value
- Time to market
- Ability to innovate
- Should have 1 metric (KPI) in each dimension (evidence based management -> scrum.org/ebm
- Scrum
- In the triangle of projects, switch quality & scope
- Quality is a corner. It is not negociable. It is transparent through the definition of done
- Scope is in the middle. It is variable andbthe result from the other constraints
- If people cannot say NO, then their YES means nothing
- Make the sprint Review "the place to be for everyone who has an interest in the product
- Product Goal
- Should support Product Backlog for 2~5 sprints
- A roadmap could be the sum of multiple Product Goals
- If the Product Goal is too far away (e.g. 12 months), it should be split
- For Scrum, a team has 1 product

- Roles
- Scrum Master helps the Developers
- Developers help the Product Owner
- => Same person doing PO & SM is not ideal
- Product Backlog holds all the information for planning and forecasting
- Certification
- 2 attempt within 14 days
- Do PO and Scrum open assessment