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230917 Leadership summit

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(11 photos & videos)

Mon 18/09






Tue 19/09






"Trust in teams"
- 140 leaders (last year 110)
- Be like children
- Try
- Ask
- Laugh
- Real Conversation
- Listen to understand (not to prepare an answer, not to argue)
- Give & take space (don't give advise that was not asked)
- Speak your truth (dare to say what you need to say)
- Leave your ego at the door (it is not a contest, it is a conversation)
- Have fun (together, not make fun of someone)
- Flow
- Direct feedback
- Balance between challenge & control
- Focus
- Clear goal (why?)
- Trust in teams - Psychological safety
- It's not the thought that counts, it's the action
- Stress is not helping our brain to be smart (creativity, empathy goes down)
- Our stress system grew 10.000 years ago when survival depended on group collaboration
- Inclusion in the group will reduce the stress level
- Build phycological safety to be able to define clear and challenging targets to be more often in the "learning zone"
- To increase the trust level, you can only give more trust (to initiate reciprocity and have a chance to get more trust) = "spiral of trust"
- Homeworking maybe increases efficiency (focus) but reduces innovation (collaboration)
- 5-1 rule for feedback: give 5 positive feedbacks for 1 negative (improvement)
- Focus on the future: "how can we do better next time?")
- AI
- Github copilot
- Visual Studio Code with plugin from GitHub
- Operational Efficiency
- Already doing: build trust
- Start doing: lower stress by building psychological safety
R&D workshop
- AI
- Target to have 90% of developers using CoPilot on a daily basis